
Donic Coppa

Brand: Donic
Rubber Type: Smooth
Speed: 82
Spin: 82
Control: 70
Hardness: Medium



For aggressive offensive players who operate with top spin, counter top spin and block technics and who win their points with hard strokes. The ideal tuning between the high-elastic, spinny playing surface and the relatively soft, but dynamic sponge grants you an outstanding ball control. The perfect rubber sheet for all modern offensive players. One of the Donic's bestselling rubbers.

It was the COPPA rubber sheet that helped J.O. Waldner as well as Jörgen Persson to win their World Champion title in men's single!


A high quality long lasting allround rubber. Unglued it is medium speed, spin suitable for allround play. A good rubber to consider for a first custom racket. Good control and predictable.


Excellent rubber to block a topspin

When I play with this rubber and the oppenent do the topspin i block and is amazing

Jean Paul Umana

Fantastic Allround Rubber

This rubber is very predictable. It suits players whose natural FH swing is more topspin oriented than Sriver users. It has very good grip, great spin for topspin, chop and serve. It imparts as much spin as Tackiness Chop, and 50% more spin than Sriver. A bit faster than Sriver. With service return, it imparts your own spin when you want it to. More modern rubbers are faster, but faster is not always better. Thats why I call it a fantastic Allround rubber.

Glenn Sikorski

One of the all time great attacking rubbers

I used this stuff for about a decade when I was playing at a fairly High level. Plays similar to Mark 5 or Sriver, it lasts longer than either. It has all the gears and was a good fit for my all-round change of spin and speed game

- Jim C, OH